材料说明 Material description
柔性管是有质量钢管经过表面处理后,外表面采用热塑粘合特殊塑料层、内表面覆防腐层组合而成。Flexible pipe is a high-quality steel after surface treatment, the outer surface of plastic using a special thermoplastic adhesive layer;the inner surface coated anti-corrosion layer.
产品结构 Structure
具有美观、耐磨、耐腐蚀、防锈等优点,外观色彩有白色、米黄色为主,有防静电(普通)产品,可根据客户的要求提供各种颜色。符合人体工效学,提高生产效率,改善工作环境。With beautiful, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, rust resistance etc, with white, cream-colored color appearance, have esd (normal) product according to the customer's requirements and provide all kinds of color. With ergonomics, raise efficiency in production, improve working conditions.
产品特点 Features
1, according to the needs, using conveniently, give full play to the staff's creativity,
2, building structure and form is changeable, flexibility, effectively solve the manufacturing process of all stations of material requirements,
3, unified standard workpieces, effectively improve the working environment, improve work efficiency,
4, with flexible characteristics, good elasticity, can effectively protect the transfer or assignment of product quality and appearance of the operators to avoid accident harm,
5, widely used in domestic electronics and cars to manufacturing, logistics and biochemical research fields such demand,
6 sustainable improvement, to increase production of different purposes, improve the product function,
7 product appearance, compression wear-resisting corrosion resistance, it has both the rigid steel tubes, and has the flexible and can be repeated use, is a rare environmental protection product,
8 special materials can achieve anti-static function,
9 assembly is simple, a piece of M5 hexangular wrench can finish a staggering installation
柔性管制品 Flexible pipe products
U-shaped flexible production line,anti-static production line,copier flexible production line, digital camera flexible production assembly line, projector, motorcycle engine assembly line, automobile assembly line, automobile air-conditioning assembly line, host computer and other electronic product assembly production lines, etc. The lifting of workbench worktable, multi-function, esd workstation, computer and test bench and ordinary workbench, material plane: storage shelves, mobile racking, slippery course racking, smoked pull racking, advanced racking, all sorts of antistatic revolving carts, trolley, vehicle carts, test revolving carts, flatbed truck, multilayer revolving carts, etc.
长沙精硕电子科技有限公司现位于长沙市。公司主要服务项目:自动化设备开发、全自动FPC分板机、高精密恒温转盘热压机、全自动台式点胶机、全自动台式打螺丝机、ATE真空测试治具、ICT测试治具/测试针床、FCT测试治具、高频屏蔽箱、焊接工装、精密五金配件、各种电子产品的老化测试、产品跌落测试、高密度邦定测试、无线电话综合测试、防静电过锡炉治具、SMT托盘,功能测试,以及视觉测试等等. 我司拥有一支高素质的专业团队,专注于自动化测试设备、功能测试夹具的研发和生产,可根据客户所需,提供量身定制的产品和综合解决方案。我们始终坚持以客户需求为导向,以市场信誉为根本,凭借**的技术和优良的品质,为客户提供**周到、快捷的服务!全体坚持“诚信、品质、专业、创新”的**价值观,致力于电子汽车测试领域,以创新高效的团队,质量专业的产品,真诚服务于客户,打造前列品牌!坚持“互惠多赢,共同发展”的方针,与您携手共创美好未来
文章来源地址: http://aqfh.m.chanpin818.com/fjdcpdt/fjdbvg/deta_1495671.html
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